Blog Post- Health and nutrition

Most everyone knows good health starts with good nutrition. Our body needs nutrients to survive and thrive. We need macro nutrients (proteins, fiber, fatty acids, glucose/sugars) and micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants) for well functioning bodies and minds. And when are bodies and minds are healthy it makes it easier for our spirit and soul to be healthy.

Many people know about healthy foods vs junk or unhealthy foods. And many may know about how to get the macro nutrients such as protein. God created our bodies to process nutrition for cell regeneration, cell protection, energy, strength, stamina, brain function and even for our enjoyment. But how do we get those micro nutrients in todays’ world where food is heavily processed with methods to remove the nutritional benefits and even poisoned with pesticides, enhancers, preservatives and other manmade processes. Our family as well as many others have our own garden, chickens for fresh eggs and meat, buy fresh organic, and pray- thanking God for His provisions and stand on His word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus Name (Isaiah 54:17) when nutritious food is not always available- such as when on vacation or traveling. My parents, however, have dehydrators to make their own jerky for travels. I will soon be following suit.

Other nutrients can also come in the form of supplements. Supplements can either be for macro or micro nutrients and supply our bodies with nutrients that used to be 100% provided by our food before modern industry took over the world’s food supply. Beware, however, that even supplements can be taken in wrong proportions and actually can cause overdose effects. Remember, God created our food in original form to provide all the nutrients that our bodies need, and man created supplements to replace what man took out of God’s created food. Still supplements can be beneficial and should be consulted with a nutrition specialist- can be a physician focused on nutrition health, nutritionist or other nutrition professional. To really know what your body needs, some specific lab blood tests can see what you body is lacking with some nutrients, like vitamins. Also check out helpful links for healthy nutrition and supplements.


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