Blog Post- Spirit & Soul health

Our Spirit and Soul also needs to be healthy. Our spirit connects us with God, our soul is our mind, will and emotions. The health of our body and soul are directly tied to our spiritual health. Many examples exists and include evidence of anxiety and depression on physical health. Anxiety is fear, it is an emotion as well as a state of being. Fear is the opposite of faith. Depression is loss of hope, loss of will- a spiritual and soul condition that also affects physical health. The Bible is full of scriptures telling us- God’s children, “Do not fear”, “do not be anxious for anything” and to have faith, hope and joy. Our peace, joy, hope, faith and very lives come from God. When we surrender to Him by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, then His Love, Peace and Joy fills us and we have life everlasting and abundant life here on earth. I have several Helpful links to help get and keep you in good and excellent Spiritual and Soul health.


In The Beginning God Made Evrything Perfect


Blog Post- Health and nutrition