In The Beginning God Made Evrything Perfect

He made the Earth, Plants, Seas, Oceans, Sun, Moon, Wind, Rain, every Creature, even us. Everything was made by Him and everything was perfect. The trees, animals, sky, earth, water were all pure, clean and life giving. Then sin entered, Man fell from his place with God and the Earth became cursed. Man and woman were also cursed and had to work hard in pain, toil and sweat to live. But Then, God the Father sent His Word/Himself as His Son to Set Us Right With Him Again. Jesus sent Himself as the only perfect living sacrifice to take our place so we can be with our Maker, Our Father again. When Jesus took our sins He exchanged them and He gave us His authority. The authority we once had and lost due to disobedience of the 1st man, Adam. We now have our authority back by the perfect blood of our sacrifice, Jesus. When we come to Him and follow Him then His Authority becomes ours. We are to walk in the Authority He gave back to us. How? By being with Him daily and by being baptized & filled with Holy Spirit daily. In doing this we automatically die to our flesh, our temptations and even the enemy. It’s a daily, hourly even every minute decision to stay close. And is very doable with Him. Will we have trials, temptations, will and strongholds to deal with? Absolutely! But we overcome because of the blood of Jesus. We resist the devil, and he will flee by staying connected to our Father thru His Son, Jesus.


Blog Post- Spirit & Soul health